
Le cantique des cantiques


Merci !

L' Amour continue au delà de la Mort, et la Vie est Eternelle ! . Voici un beau chant qui donne espoir et Espérance à tous ceux qui ont perdu un être cher . Ce morceau a été composé en 1919 , et est chanté par le baryton John Charles Thomas ( en 1941 ? ) . Les paroles sont très belles !

«  There is no death « 
Sir John Charles Thomas


I tell you they have not died,
They live and breathe with you,
They walk now, here at your side,
They tell you things are true.
Why dream of poppied sod
When you can feel their breath;
When flowers and soul and God Know there is no death?
I tell you they have not died,
Their hands clasp yours and mine,
They are now but glorified,
They have become divine.
They live, they know, they see,
They shout with every breath,
"All is Eternal Life,
There is no death!"

Écrit par : Myriam de Terwangne | 29/04/2018

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